Tag: wearable technology

Smart Rings

Redefining Wearable Fitness: The Rise of Smart Rings

As wearable technology continues to evolve, smart rings emerge as the next significant trend in fitness tracking. These diminutive devices are poised to transform the landscape of wearable fitness, providing users with a discreet yet powerful tool for monitoring their health and activity. This year marked a pivotal moment for smart rings with industry giants …

Flexible and stretchable TENG for human energy harvesting. Credit: Prof. Kai Dong/Institute of Nanoenergy and Nanosystems CAS

Harnessing Kinetic Energy: Next-Gen Wearable Nanogenerators

The Revolution of Wearable Energy: Triboelectric Nanogenerators Imagine a world where every step you take, every movement you make, charges your smartphone, powers your smartwatch, and fuels a myriad of wearable devices. This isn’t a fantasy, but a fast-approaching reality thanks to the advancement of triboelectric nanogenerators (TENGs). These remarkable devices convert the mechanical energy …